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When emergencies/accidents do occur, we have joint responsibility to act accordingly. It is useful to have available information such as; medical details and an emergency contact number for the injured rider. We can store this information in two ways. ICE and via the Meridian website.

Additionally it could be useful to inform the emergency services of our exact location by using the mobile app ‘What3Words’.

ICE (in case of emergency)


Both Android and iPhones have this feature. It enables you to store a list of emergency contacts on your phone together with medical information, allergies and current medications. It can be accessed by both colleagues and emergency services.

IPhone Settings

  1. Open the Health app

  2. On the ‘Summary Page’, tap your Profile in the top right

  3. Select Medical ID  >  Edit

  4. Enter your information and select your emergency contacts

  5. You might like to click ‘Show when locked’ for it appear on your lock screen

  6. Click ‘Done’ when finished.


Android Settings
There are 2 ways of adding this information


Add ICE to Lock Screen

  1. Open Settings app

  2. Scroll down to ‘Lock Screen’

  3. Select ‘Contact Information’

  4. Enter Your Name, Contact No, Critical Medical Information

  5. Tap Save

Using ‘Safety & Emergency'

  1. Go to Settings > Safety & Emergency

  2. Tap ‘Emergency Contacts’  >  add contact data

  3. Tap ‘Medical Info’  >  add relevant data


Accessing Data in an emergency.


  1. If it’s displayed on your Lock Screen - no problem

  2. Otherwise on the Lock Screen look for ‘Emergency or Emergency Call’

On the Meridian WebSite.


Setting it Up.

This feature should be be enabled by default when you set up your Meridian account.

  1. When logged navigate to 

  2. When logged in to the site, navigate to  Your Name  >  My Account  >  My Account

  3. First make sure that your personal records are up to date and hit ‘Update Info’

  4. Then select at the top of the page  ‘Profile’

  5. You can update the ‘About’ section with any other relevant personal and medical data.(eg allergies)

The selected ‘Profile’ data will then be able to be accessed by other Meridian members by selecting ‘All Member Profiles’.


This is a free to use mobile app that, by using 3 simple words, can identify your exact location.


Use of the app (which can be installed on both iPhone and Android mobiles) allows you to give your exact location to the emergency services. The club recommend that the app be installed on your phone and that you are familiar with it’s operation.

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